Music therapy is to completely relax the body and mind through psychological and physiological approaches, and assists in the treatment of patients with pain in the waist and leg bones by means of semiconductor laser, ultrasonic therapy device, and Bohm light therapy, thereby achieving treatment than using a therapeutic device alone. Better results.
In order to better alleviate the pain for patients with bone diseases, Director Wang Lianrong of the Department of Orthopaedics of our hospital led the staff of the department to bring the gospel to the patients. For the first time, the first use of music as a supplementary treatment method was applied to the TCM treatment room for the outpatients. It turns out that during the trial for more than a month, the patient responded well. During the treatment, the patient listened to light music. It seems that every note beats the heart, every cell dances with it, and the skin is completely released from the skin. Because of the large number of patients in the previous treatment, in addition to the sound of the work of the treatment device without any entertainment equipment to adjust the mood, the patient's physical therapy becomes a relatively boring thing, and for a long time, some patients can't stand the lonely treatment for too long. There are sighs, complaints, negative words flooding the ears, most patients are susceptible to this negative emotion, do not listen to the doctor's advice to shorten the treatment course and thus affect the treatment effect, now every patient who is physiotherapy can be music The beautiful melodies are infected, and the attention shifts for a while. They all quietly appreciate the sound of this beautiful sound, and the physical pain seems to have improved. Not only that, but patients also use physiotherapy as a way to both cure and enjoy relaxation, to be more confident in physical therapy, to adhere to the treatment of each treatment, and to speed up the recovery time.
In short, music assisting, in general, music therapy is different from general music appreciation. It is in the specific environment atmosphere and the specific music melody and rhythm, so that the patient can psychologically self-regulate and achieve the purpose of treatment. The treatment is different from the general music appreciation. It is in the specific environment atmosphere and the specific music melody and rhythm, which makes the patient psychologically self-regulating, thus achieving the purpose of adjuvant therapy. This trial was not only satisfied by the patients, but also recognized by the medical staff. I hope that under the leadership of Director Wang Lianrong and the head nurse Yang Xiaofeng, we will explore more treatments to reduce the pain of patients and recreate the Chinese and Western medicine orthopedics. brilliant.